MeetSkip Review

MeetSkip is a random chat site that was founded in 2016 in order to provide a more perfect app to talk to strangers than the other existing websites provided. The creators of this application saw the many deficiencies in their competitors’ offerings, and carefully crafted a list of all the elements they wanted to change. This included things such as a more clean inviting design, cross-platform functionality, and the ability to share pictures during conversations. All of these issues were successfully addressed by the MeetSkip team resulting in a brilliant final product that puts other random chat rooms to shame. If you want to go ahead and give them a try right now give them a visit: Random Chat at

While it is true that their app only offers a random text chat rather than also including video, this isn’t really a big deal these days. A lot of people are tired of the live video version due to the inevitable inappropriate users as well as the requirement of having to show your own self constantly live to random strangers. There is sort of a live video fatigue that many people feel, where they prefer to not have to continuously show themselves on camera. Thus, MeetSkip has come up with the perfect solution that also still allows users to show what they look like if they want to, which is the ability to share photos at your leisure. Even the almighty Omegle does not possess this capability, so even though it sounds simple enough, many similar sites either don’t have it or don’t have a perfectly working version of it. All issues have been worked out in the case of this app, and everything seems to work perfectly.

Finally, the creators of this service decided to add one last extra feature into the mix. This extra option is the use of built-in emoticons. At first you might think that you can already insert emotes anyway, but that’s only really true if you’re on a mobile device that has them readily available. And even then, what if they don’t show up properly to someone on another different type of device? The built-in emoji list helps solve these sorts of issues, and definitely a nice thing to have. Anyway, I think that about covers it, so stop reading and start chatting online!

RandomSkip Review

Hello there fellow chat site lover! It’s time for another Omegle similar site review, and this time we’re focusing on a really cool and popular site, Random Skip! This site offers the same options as Omegle, text-only and video, but then goes a step further by adding yet another option, which they call “group chat”. What is this “group chat” you ask? Well, it’s basically the same thing as a regular old fashioned chat room, the kind where everyone can talk to everyone else in the room, instead of just a one-on-one situation. Anyway, as great as that is, that’s not going to be the main focus of this review. The main focus of this review is going to be the part of the site that sets them apart from everyone else, which is the random text chat with strangers page:

So, at first you might be wondering why I would focus on the text-only page instead of video? Aren’t we passed the time when text was cool? No actually, we’re not! Texting without a live cam feed is still as popular as ever whether people are on Facebook or their phones. Not everyone wants to broadcast themselves live all the time, it’s kind of eliminates your privacy, and people definitely still value their privacy. This being the case, the random text chat is still being used a ton! The key point here though, is that has gone above and beyond everyone else by adding in some awesome extra features that make the entire experience soooo much better for everyone. There is one addition in particular that makes a massive difference when you are in the midst of a great conversation with a newly found friend: image sharing.

The photo sending feature that they have added is perfect. It’s super easy to use, and you actually only have to upload each picture once per time you visit the site. So, if you visit their website and upload a picture, you can then re-use that pic over and over in every new chatting session you have for the duration of your visit! Then, once you leave, the images you uploaded are deleted. It’s a great system that allows you to share visuals but at the same time retain privacy, and I absolutely love it – I’m sure you will too. I was getting super tired of having to go to another website to upload my photos and then copy and paste the links into my discussions. Now, finally, my problem is solved, and everything is just sooooo much more convenient. I hope you guys find this as helpful as I have.

Sites Like Camzap

Camzap is a really cool and popular random roulette webcam chat site. It started off as basically an imitation of Chatroulette, but now it has added its own special features, which you can read more about by clicking here. But we know the real reason you’re here, which is to find more sites like Camzap! That is why we have put together a list of the best alternatives to Camzap right here right now for your enjoyment! We have handpicked and hand tested every one of these to make sure they are at least as seamless and fun to use as Camzap, but at the same time have their own unique features that make them great other options.

1. iMeetzuOur Opinion

2. OmegleOur Opinion

3. Chatrandom – Our Opinion

4. ChatrouletteOur Opinion

5. BazoocamOur Opinion

6. Funyo – Our Opinion

7. Stickam Shuffle – Our Opinion

8. Chatpig – Our Opinion

9. Streamberry – Our Opinion

10. Chatville – Our Opinion

Sites Like Omegle

Hey there, so if you’re at all like us, which you must be if you’re here reading this, you love Omegle and are looking for lots of other sites like Omegle for a nice change of pace. That is where we come in. We have scoured the internet for all the best random roulette video and text chatting websites and compiled a nice list for you right here. We also have written a full review on every single one of the sites we’re listing, so you can get all the information you need to decide which ones to check out and what to look for when you visit!

1. iMeetzu – For more info, click here.

2. Chatrandom – For more info, click here.

3. Chatroulette – For more info, click here.

4. Camzap – For more info, click here.

5. Stickam Shuffle – For more info, click here.

6. Funyo – For more info, click here.

7. Bazoocam – For more info, click here.

8. Streamberry – For more info, click here.

9. Chatville – For more info, click here.

10. Chatpig – For more info, click here.

Sites Like Chatroulette

Hi there, if you’re like me you probably have been constantly trying to find all the best sites like Chatroulette that are available on the internet. In short, it is not easy! You have to look and look, and a lot of them go offline, and new ones keep coming online, and it’s just like AHHHH, when will it end! Well, no worries, you have come to the right place. Here you will find a list of random roulette webcam chat sites just like Chatroulette that actually don’t disappear – hurray!

1. iMeetzu – This is our top pick because it has so many different options, whether it is text-only, group video, or other chat options, not to mention a whole stranger social network! Click here to read our full review.

2. Omegle – This site is amazing! It has both text and video options, along with its own unique features such as “spy mode” and the ability to connect based on interests! Read our complete review by clicking here.

3. Chatrandom – This is a cool popular cam chat site with roulette and group chatting options. You will find lots of people available, and have a generally fun time! For more info, read our review.

4. Stickam Shuffle – Part of the main Stickam site, this roulette chat offshoot is great because it requires people to login, and thus keeps the content nice and clean! Find out more in our full review.

5. Camzap – Rounding out the top 5 we have roulette site Camzap, which in recent days has added their own optional registration system among other things that are quite cool. Click here to get more details.

Besides the 5 aforementioned awesome websites like Chatroulette, there are plenty more, but for the rest I will just give you a nice and easy list without descriptions, so you will have to be curious to find out what each one is all about!

6. BazoocamReview

7. Funyo – Review

8. Chatpig – Review

9. Streamberry – Review

10. Facebuzz – Review

11. Chatville – Review

12. Lollichat – Review

13. Flipchat – Review

14. Chattino – Review

15. Airtime – Review

Alright, that about does it – check back for more updates though! Now get out there and have fun roulette chatting 🙂

Chattino Review

 Chattino is a typical Chatroulette copycat, BUT is does have a bit of a quirk about it, which is that it is primarily focused on attracting users from Germany! Yep, they be speaking German all up in here, and it gets crazayyyy. There are quite a few visitors online at any given time, so that’s a good sign, and you can definitely get in some solid language practice if that’s something you’re into. And, of course, if you happen to be German yourself, you can talk to your comrades rather than random strangers from all over the world, although, I shouldn’t say that is for sure what will happen because the site isn’t limited by IP or anything, so you could still get a person from anywhere in the world, but I think you get the idea.

Um, anyway, the software itself seems pretty decent. Have yet to see any errors or bugs that threw me off while I was next-ing people and what not. There also weren’t too many nasty naked dudes, so that was a good thing, although maybe I just got lucky, who knows. The website itself loaded at about an average speed I would say for a roulette video chat site, so nothing amazing or horrible in that regard. Hmmm, I guess that really about covers everything. Oh wait, the site also has a link to a “games” section, but it seems to be completely unrelated to the chat deal, so I guess there isn’t much to say about that other than if you want easy access to some flash games at the same place you random chat, this might be the site for you! Woohoo! Find them at Update: Site no longer exists.

Flipchat Review

 So, Flipchat isn’t just a copy of Chatroulette, like a lot of these other sites I’ve already written about. Instead, it has it’s own special nextra features that kind of well, actually set it apart, which is really a nice change of pace considering all the copycats I’ve had to cover, aye. But, regardless of the fact that it has some uniqueness about it, Flipchat still has the same bare bones roulette random video chat functionality as all the rest. And, just like the rest, having enough users again is basically the most important thing, and this site has quite a few, but it’s on the border of not having enough. Thus, it is treading a thin line between existence and non-existence, because as soon as it falls to too few users online, it will go downhill at essentially an exponential rate, in sort of a vicious cycle where people show up and then leave before the next person shows up, and so on.

Anyway, for now, they live on! And they have a registration system, which is pretty dang cool. You see, you can be going along pressing “next” and surfing all the users who are available and then when you finally find someone you like, and who hopefully also likes you, you can click the “add to friends” button and just like that you are both connected forever so that you can entertain one another in perpetuity! However, there is one catch, the other person needs to also be logged in. This can be a bit of a problem, because a lot of people are too lazy to register, or simply don’t want to register. I’m not really sure how or if this can even be solved, especially with a site with so few users, but I hope they come up with some sort of crazy cool solution! Check them out at Update: Site no longer exists.

WocChat Review

This is one of the older random chat sites, that I believe along with iMeetzu actually came out before Chatroulette did, although it was a long time ago so it’s hard to remember exactly the order of things. Anyway, back in its heyday it was actually pretty big, and even now it’s still decent. The big thing about it that really set it apart from the rest was that it had a whole social network attached to the random roulette cam chat feature. This was a pretty cool extra thing to have, and they seemed to get quite a few members, at least for a while there.

The software program for the random chat room actually seems to be embedded from Bazoocam now, which is interesting. At least that guarantees there will be plenty of people available to chat with, but it makes me wonder if WocChat has always been owned by the same people, or if they were bought out. I guess I will never know, dang. In any event, since the software is embedded from a bigger more popular site, it runs perfectly fine, as I’m sure you would imagine, so you’re good to go in that regard. I guess the real benefit then to checking out WocChat is taking a look at all the other features on the website, so if that interests you head on over to and give them a try!

Facebuzz Review

 This site used to be a lot bigger than it is now, but it’s still got a decent following. Initially Facebuzz capitalized on being a Chatroulette imitator / alternative while the buzz about Chatroulette was still going strong, and that worked wonders for it. The site also came up with a smart plan that involved allowing other site owners to embed their chat software in their websites, such that no matter what site users were on they still accessed the same database of available users. This allowed Facebuzz to have a bigger pool of visitors available for other visitors to connect with, and helped propel them, at least at the beginning.

But what about nowadays, you ask? Well, they still maintain a decent level of users online to chat with. However, they obviously aren’t where they once were, as already noted. In terms of the software system, it works pretty well, and seems to be running on flash. That means if you want to use it on your iPhone, you’re out of luck unless you download a special browser for it. BUT, even if you do that, you probably won’t be able to use video, it just doesn’t work as far as I can tell, but there might be a way if you jailbreak your phone, I really need to look into it. The truth of the matter really is that you’ll have problems using pretty much any random roulette video chat service on your iPhone. Anyway, all that aside, Facebuzz IS still worth trying out, so give them a visit at! Update: Site no longer exists.

Lollichat Review

So, as far as I am aware, Lollichat used to be quite popular back in the day. I’m not exactly sure how it went from nothing to popular, back to nothing, and now back to a decent number of users, or why for that matter, but yea, that seems to be the story. In essence, it’s just a copy of Chatroulette – there’s nothing special about it, well, other than the name, which is kind of funny (pun totally intended, ha). I actually also noticed something kind of odd about this site which I hadn’t before, which is that it has a lot of visitors from South Korea. This seemed totally random at first, but then I noticed the Facebook page is described in Korean, and I was like, duhhhhh, how did I never notice this before?

So, the site has a South Korean user base – this actually kind of puts them on a new level in my book, because previously in my book there wasn’t a site with that focus, so that makes them kind of cool after all. I have some cool Korean friends, so obviously if they’re cool, then Lollichat by inferential reasoning must also be uber kewl, it’s just the way of things. In any event, the site has all the necessary features – you can next people, you can webcam video chat, and there aren’t any bugs I noticed, so yea, it’s all there. Basically, if you’re looking for some Korean companionship, this is probably the spot for you, so check it out at Update: Site no longer exists.